Except, I don’t believe it was a coincidence, though many would label it that way.

In college, I caught three buses to class. I wanted a place close to campus and was delighted to find one right across the road. I could sleep in and still be on time – love it! It was a Monday and I had a lecture at 11am; I arranged to meet the guy straight after, at noon.

I missed my bus that day. That alone was rare; I like to arrive early. Instead, I scrambled to class with minutes to spare, and couldn’t see a single seat in the sea of students in a huge lecture hall. Finally, I spotted one, way over on the far side.

I scooched  past everyone, and sat down by two girls talking in horror about a friend’s experience. She had moved in with a male roommate, and everything was fine.  Then one day, he apparently assaulted her & locked her in her room. He then marched around the perimeter of the house – dressed in combat fatigues,  brandishing a rifle and muttering about the end of the world.

Of course, he was the very man I was supposed to meet with, just one hour later.

Have you ever had a close call, or felt protected?

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