I’ve been pondering the gift of Girlfriends and the roles they play in our lives. When I look back on how we met, I don’t think it’s a coincidence that long-lasting bonds form at pivotal moments in life—from first grade, to first jobs, Little Athletics to college or when you move to a new neighborhood. It’s as though the universe recognizes that we’re in an age or stage of flux, and a good friend or two will transform our experience.

Girlfriends. How would we survive without them? They listen patiently, share our tears, and make us laugh until our sides ache. They know instantly what we mean when we arch an eyebrow, invoke an ex’s name, or speak in code. They know if we’re serious about the gym, or merely floating the idea to feel better about the dessert we’re about to devour.

Then there’s the girlfriend who pledges to provide a fabulous photo to the media in the event that you go missing in the jungle or get lured into a harem (you’ll want to look captivating in captivity). One girlfriend has promised to grab my bag and never reveal it to the world; its contents are too mortifying.

I smile to recall how I met some of the women I cherish in my life: over crayons, before sprint races,  during orientation, at school, work,  travel of course, or simply when she was born into our family.

How did you meet some of your girlfriends? And how do you catch up when everyone’s so busy?

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