I mean really dream, conjuring an image of something or someone that you wish to be part of your life? An image so vivid that you can see, hear and feel it? I’m inspired by athletes, artists and others who say they pictured their “moment” over and over until it became reality.

Dreams are fragile, yet passionate utterances (if we even say them out loud …) that deserve to be breathed into life. And of course, they come in all shapes, sizes and time-frames.

Maybe you long to live in Italy, or master the cello, or pen a song, or own a fabulous apartment in NYC. Maybe you’ll do one or all of those things. Maybe instead, you explore a three-month exchange to Tuscany, or start cello lessons, or brainstorm one verse, or challenge yourself to research ten things about the Manhattan property market.

Lately I notice people belittling their dreams, deriding them as implausible, or childish and not worthwhile. Says who? Yes, pay the rent first. But allow yourself to dream—and nurture it, defend it, work toward it, pray for it.   Okay, if you yearn to be president, that’s uphill, but there are elements within your dreams that you can define in achievable steps. Do you want to lead, inspire, or agitate for change? Your canvas is wide open.

The first step is to define your dream. Then claim it, truly own it. And take that first step. I’ll be cheering you on.

What’s your dream? Or dreams?

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