“She never reached her potential …” How many times have you heard these words, overheard them, or uttered them yourself?

It popped up on TV last night, delivered, seemingly as always, with a heavy dose of pity and maybe a dash of teaching-moment for good measure.

And it made me wonder: do we ever really reach our potential? There are myriad ways to quantify it of course, many ways to tick the boxes or label them in the first place. How many degrees, how many cars in the driveway, how many stamps in our passports?

Whatever our yardstick, what if we reach it? Do we then pack up this game of life and go home? Do we grow jaded?

I might just plan to never to reach my potential. Instead, I’ll remain a  work in progress.

I’ll keep several goals in the works, even if most are just in the back of my mind. I plan to keep adding and stretching. I plan to keep imagining and tapping new sources of growth.

I’m sure you’ve heard that saying: do something each day that scares you. I’ll try to sprinkle my days with both small stretches and from time to time, others worthy of a yoga master class (metaphorically speaking).

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