The Expat Expert

Dynamic and informative cross-cultural consultation.


Alicia’s insight combines 16 years’ personal expatriate experience with a journalist’s curiosity and love of research.

She has been both recruited internationally (e.g. as an international news anchor in Moscow and prior, a foreign correspondent) and relocated as a trailing spouse to countries as diverse as Russia, Chile, India, Indonesia and Malaysia (to name a few). Further, Alicia has traveled to more than thirty nations – and counting! As well as the usual souvenirs, she brought home intriguing cultural insights and tips.

Alicia established The Expat Expert consultancy after being approached often to present or advise others on the international relocation process. It began with light dinner party conversation and grew to invitations to speak at corporations and universities – even book clubs! How best to prepare for an international assignment? What lay ahead? How do we survive the first thirty days?

One-on-one Orientations. Workshops. Presentations.

Do you have staff relocating internationally? Or perhaps you’re considering a sea change or adult gap year of your own?

We’ll begin with an overview of your new host country, then delve deeper.

Popular topics:
Overview of the country
Overview of the city/region
Social customs
Business customs
Time management
Conflict resolution
Important local & national holidays

… and how to plug in to a host of Expat resources!

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