[Thank you for your patience. My (northern) summer break went a little longer than planned on the blogging front!]

You might have noticed: we’re a culture of makeovers. From people to homes to lifestyles, some of our highest rating TV shows, links and sites involve vivid transformations. A so-called “homely” girl emerges as a traffic-stopping beauty.  A dark and dank basement is re-purposed as a teen getaway or streamlined home office. And of course, those extreme weight loss programs milk our curiosity for the final unveiling.

But what if we don’t have the time, inclination or resources to indulge in a big change? What about tweaks with payoffs? What areas of our lives could benefit from small changes? I took a highly unscientific poll and here were some suggestions from your fellow Savvy Girls:

  1. I gave fake sugars the heave-ho.
  2. Started shutting down my screens an hour before bed. Less wound up, more relaxed as I catch some zzz.
  3. Turned off those pop-up emails, and instead, access it a few times a day. Cue: jump in productivity.
  4. I began saying no to little things, until bigger no’s became easier. I value my time.
  5. I don’t inhale food in the car. I eat meals sitting down, turn off distractions, and try to listen more closely to the other person.
  6. Each morning, I ask myself what I want out of the day. It sets a good tone. 

What works for you?

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