They’re scrawled on restroom walls, brimming with gritty wisdom. Etched on rings, on lockets, in hearts. Scrawled in diaries that reflect our journeys.

Favorite words, phrases and other sayings find their way into our days. I once read that actress Sarah Jessica Parker used the word “grace” as a password, to remind her of this essential element. Here’s some of mine:

People come into our lives for a reason, a season or a lifetime.”  – Author unknown. Not every player in our lives will be a permanent cast member. Sometimes they cross paths, play their role, and bow out.

I don’t trust anyone who doesn’t laugh.” – Maya Angelou. So true!

Success is not final, and failure is not fatal.” – Churchill.  Enjoy our successes, to be sure, but this nudges us not to get complacent.  And it reminds us that growth (and fun!) comes from trying something new, even when we crash and burn the first time.

A Savvy Girl always have a few words up her sleeve to sustain her, amuse her, or to lend perspective. What favorite phrases or quotes resonate for you?

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